1. Which option is used to separate the contents of one Excel cell into separate columns?
2. Which option is used to delete duplicate values from a sheet?
3. Which option prevents invalid data from being entered into a cell?
4. Which of the following is a data validation option in MS Excel?
5. Which of the following are validation criteria inside Data Validation?
6. What option do you use to combine values from multiple ranges into one new range?
7. Which of the following functions can be used inside the Consolidate option?
8. Which option is used to perform What-If analysis in Excel?
9. Which option allows you to create and save different groups of values and switch between formulas in the sheet?
10. Which option helps you find the right input when you know the result you want?
11. Which option allows you to see the results of many different possible inputs at the same time?
12. Which option allows you to group a range of cells together so they can be collapsed or expanded?
13. Which shortcut is used to ungroup a range of cells that was previously grouped?
14. Which option is used to insert subtotals and totals for selected rows?
15. What does the red triangle at the top right corner of a cell indicate?
16. Which shortcut key is used to edit comments (red triangle)?
17. Which option is used to prevent unwanted changes to the data in a sheet?
18. Which option allows multiple people to work on a workbook at the same time?
19. Which feature is used to view multiple distant parts of a worksheet at once by splitting the window into resizable views?
20. Which option is used to save multiple workbooks in one file?
21. What is the extension used for saving a workspace in Excel?
22. Which programming language is used in Excel macros?
23. What is the shortcut key to run a macro in Excel?
24. Except for the ______ function, a formula with a logical function shows "TRUE" or "FALSE" as a result.
25. Which symbol is used to represent "not equal to" in Excel?
26. If you want to calculate multiple column values with a logical function, which function would you use?