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1. Which of the following file formats is NOT supported by Microsoft Word?
2. What is the shortcut key to open a document in Microsoft Word?
3. Which option allows you to create a new document using pre-designed layouts in Word?
4. To save a document with a new name or format, which option should you select?
5. What is the shortcut key for saving a document in Microsoft Word?
6. When saving a document, which of the following formats preserves formatting and is the standard file format for Word documents?
7. What should you select from the menu if you want to save your document as a PDF?
8. Which of the following is the correct first step to open a document in Microsoft Word?
9. What does the .rtf file format stand for?
10. In which situation would you likely choose to export a document as a PDF?
11. Where is the Menu Bar located in Microsoft Word?
12. What is the default file extension for Word documents?
13. Which menu would you access for help resources in MS Word?
14. Which of the following is NOT a function of the Status Bar?
15. The Drawing Toolbar is primarily used for:
16. What is the keyboard shortcut to copy selected text in MS Word?
17. Which method is used to remove text from its original location and place it elsewhere?
18. What happens when you press the Delete key after selecting text?
19. To change the font style to bold, which group do you find this option in?
20. How can you highlight text with a different color in MS Word?
21. What is the purpose of adjusting the font size?
22. Which alignment option would you use to center a paragraph in MS Word?
23. What does the 'Paste' function do in MS Word?
24. Which view in MS Word allows you to see how the document will look when printed?
25. What is the function of the 'Page Layout' tab?
26. What is the purpose of the Print Preview feature?
27. What steps are involved in adding password protection to a Word document?
28. To confirm a new password for a protected document, you must:
29. How do you remove password protection from a Word document?
30. After setting a password, what must you do to ensure the changes are saved?
31. What does the 'Protect Document' option allow you to do?
32. What is the first step to insert a table using the Ribbon?
33. How can you specify the number of rows and columns when inserting a table using the dialog box?
34. What happens when you click on a table in MS Word?
35. Which option allows you to change the background color of selected cells in a table?
36. How do you resize a row or column in a table?
37. To delete a table from a Word document, you must:
38. What is the shortcut to insert a hyperlink in a Word document?
39. What is the function of the 'Find' feature in MS Word?
40. Which feature allows you to replace one text with another throughout the document?
41. What is the purpose of footnotes and endnotes in a document?
42. How can you insert page numbers in your document?
43. What keyboard shortcut can you use to insert a page break?
44. What is the purpose of a section break in a Word document?
45. How do you insert Word Art in a Word document?
46. To create an organization chart, which option should you select?
47. How can you insert a symbol into your document?
48. What do you do to create columns in your document?
49. How do you manage what gets printed from your Word document?