1. Which file system DOS typically use?
2. Which file system Windows 95 typically use?
3. Essential files of MS DOS are
4. Which Operating System doesn’t support long file names?
5. We need system files to run
6. While working with MS DOS which command is used to change the extension of all file names ending with .txt to doc?
7. Booting means
8. Which command in DOS can be used to recover accidentally deleted files?
9. Press the ….button to have the window fill the entire screen
10. Which windows features can be accessed from the start menu?
11. … are list of commands that appear on the screen
12. The box on …. that allows you to choose where to go and is located below the standard toolbar
13. A …. is a set of computer instructions that carry out a task on the computer
14. Which command is used to copy system files?
15. To make file in MS Dos we need command
16. Operating System manages
17. To send email, we use
18. Which of the following concept is best to preventing page faults?
19. Save operation means
20. CAD software is most likely to be used by
21. Fonts install from
22. Which of the following could be a valid DOS file specification?
23. Which is not concerned with control panel?
24. Unicode standard is
25. MKDIR is similar to