1. A webpage displays a picture. What tag was used to display that picture?
2. What is the file extension used for HTML file?
3. Which tag is used to create body text in HTML?
4. “Yahoo”, “Infoseek” and “Lycos” are _________?
5. What does the .com domain represent?
6. To create a bulleted list or unordered list, the tag is use….
7. Outlook Express is a _________
8. <TITLE> … </TITLE> tag must be within ________
9. Text within <EM> … </EM> tag is displayed as ________
10. Text within <STRONG> … </STRONG> tag is displayed as ________
11. The tag……. Is used to make the largest heading.
12. Which tag is used to display the numbered list?
13. Which tag is used to display the large font size?
14. <SCRIPT> … </SCRIPT> tag can be placed within ________
15. using <P> tag will
16. <TD> … </TD> tag is used for ________
17. Which one is correct tag for table?
18. Which one is correct HTML tag for left align the contents inside a table cell?
19. CSS is an acronym for
20. Which of the following protocol is not used in the Internet?
21. What is Internet Explorer?