1. What is tag in HTML?
2. What is the use of Forms in HTML?
3. Which of the following is used to create web pages?
4. HTML is considered as ___ language
5. HTML language is a set of markup ___
6. HTML tags are used to describe document ____
7. How to set a picture as a background web page?
8. Which of following HTML Tag will inserting a line break?
9. We can write HTML code using ____. Select appropriate option(s).
10. HTML document is saved using ____ extension.
11. Choose the correct HTML tag to left-align the content of a cell.
12. PCs running Windows 3.x will have ____ extension for html pages
13. Which of the following is not an example of a browser?
14. Who is the primary author of HTML?
15. HTML was first proposed in year ___.
16. HTML tags are surrounded by ___ brackets
17. Which of the following is correct to align H1 tag to Right Alignment?
18. Which of the following is correct to change font face in Web Page?
19. This is a networking device that passes data between networks having similar functions but dissimilar implementations.
20. In order to connect to ISP’s server you need …….
21. The first page of a website is called