राष्ट्रिय बाणिज्य बैंक लि., लिखित परीक्षा २०७६/०३/१६ [ Rastriya Banijya Bank Question & Solution ]

Anil Pandit

लोक सेवा आयोग

राष्ट्रिय बाणिज्य बैंक लि., प्रशासन, सूचना प्रविधि, पाँचौं, बरिष्ठ सहायक (सूचना प्रविधि) पदको

प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा



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समयः  घण्टा

पूर्णाङ्क : १००

विषयः Computer/IT Knowledge

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60 Marks

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1) What is data structure? Define Array, Queue and Stack data structure with examples in detail. 2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10

2) Discuss the operation of full adder with circuit diagram and truth table. Why does Direct Memory Access (DMA) have priority over the CPU when both request a memory transfer? 5+5=10

3) Distinguish between Circuit switching and Packet switching with appropriate examples in detail. 10

4) Name the four basic network topologies and explain them giving all the relevant features. Also, define Switch, Hub and Router. Why Router is best than other network devices? State. 5+3+2=10

5) What is scheduling? What criteria affects the schedule performance? What are the different principles which must be considered while selection of a scheduling algorithm? 2+4+4=10

6) What are the differences between 32-bit and 64- bit architectures? Also explain differences between FAT and NTFS file systems. 5+5=10

7) Write the objectives of normalizations in database. What is functional dependency? Describe the types and properties of FDs. 10

8) Compare OLTP and OLAP systems. Explain the steps with a suitable block diagram. 5+5=10

9) Explain the history of IT Policies in Nepal. Mention important features of ICT Policy 2072. How do you analyse the effectiveness of current ICT Policy in our country? 3+4+3=10

10) Why is it essential to have separate IT Policies for organization, considering National IT Policy? Critically analyse the current NRB IT Guidelines. 3+7=10


1. What is a Data Structure? Define Array, Queue, and Stack data structure with examples in detail. (10 Marks)
Data Structure

A data structure is a way of organizing, managing, and storing data so that it can be accessed and modified efficiently. The choice of a data structure directly affects the performance of algorithms and the operations on the data. Data structures are fundamental for solving computational problems and are the building blocks of programming.

Types of Data Structures include:

  • Linear Data Structures: Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues
  • Non-linear Data Structures: Trees, Graphs
1. Array

An array is a linear data structure that stores a fixed-size sequence of elements of the same data type. Each element in an array is identified by its index or position.

Key Characteristics:
  • Fixed size: The size of an array is defined at the time of creation and cannot be changed.
  • Indexing: Elements are stored in contiguous memory locations and accessed using an index.
  • Homogeneous: All elements in an array are of the same data type.

Let’s take an array of integers that stores the marks of 5 students:

marks = [85, 90, 78, 92, 88]

In this case:

  • marks[0] = 85
  • marks[1] = 90
  • marks[2] = 78
  • Accessing elements: Access an element using its index.
  • Inserting elements: Insert a new element if the array has space.
  • Deleting elements: Delete an element by shifting the elements to fill the gap.
Real-life Example:

Arrays are used to store a list of items, such as a collection of numbers, names, or other data items in programming, such as a list of student names in a school database.

2. Queue

A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle. This means the first element added to the queue will be the first one to be removed. A queue is open at both ends; one end is used to insert elements (enqueue) and the other end to remove elements (dequeue).

Key Characteristics:
  • FIFO: The first element inserted will be the first one to be removed.
  • Operations:
    • Enqueue: Insert an element at the rear of the queue.
    • Dequeue: Remove an element from the front of the queue.

Imagine a queue of customers waiting at a ticket counter:

queue = ["John", "Emma", "Olivia"]

If a new customer arrives, they are added at the end:

queue.append("Liam")  # Enqueue

Now, the queue is: ["John", "Emma", "Olivia", "Liam"]

If a customer is served, they are removed from the front:

served_customer = queue.pop(0)  # Dequeue

Now, the queue is: ["Emma", "Olivia", "Liam"]

  • Enqueue: Adding elements to the rear of the queue.
  • Dequeue: Removing elements from the front of the queue.
  • Peek: Accessing the front element without removing it.
Real-life Example:

A queue in real life can be seen in waiting lines, such as people waiting for service at a restaurant or in customer support systems.

3. Stack

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. The last element added to the stack will be the first one to be removed. A stack is typically used in situations where a temporary storage structure is needed, such as for reversing a word or performing recursive operations.

Key Characteristics:
  • LIFO: The last element inserted will be the first one to be removed.
  • Operations:
    • Push: Add an element to the top of the stack.
    • Pop: Remove an element from the top of the stack.
    • Peek/Top: Access the top element without removing it.

Imagine a stack of books:

stack = []

You add a book to the top of the stack:

stack.append("Book1")  # Push

Now, the stack is: ["Book1", "Book2", "Book3"]

To remove the top book:

top_book = stack.pop()  # Pop

Now, the stack is: ["Book1", "Book2"]

  • Push: Adding elements to the top of the stack.
  • Pop: Removing elements from the top.
  • Peek: Viewing the top element without removing it.
Real-life Example:

A stack can be compared to a stack of plates, where you can only add or remove plates from the top. In programming, stacks are commonly used in algorithms related to recursion, backtracking, and expression evaluation.

2. Discuss the operation of full adder with circuit diagram and truth table. Why does Direct Memory Access (DMA) have priority over the CPU when both request a memory transfer?
Full Adder: Operation

A Full Adder is a combinational logic circuit that adds three input bits: two significant bits and a carry bit from a previous addition. It produces two outputs: a sum and a carry.

  • A: First input bit.
  • B: Second input bit.
  • Cin: Carry-in bit from the previous stage.

The Full Adder generates:

  • Sum (S): The result of the bit-wise addition of A, B, and Cin.
  • Carry-out (Cout): The carry that is forwarded to the next stage.
Circuit Diagram of Full Adder

The circuit of a Full Adder can be built using two half adders and an OR gate for the carry-out signal. Here’s a basic breakdown:

  • Sum (S): S = A ⊕ B ⊕ Cin
  • Carry-out (Cout): Cout = (A ⋅ B) + (Cin ⋅ (A ⊕ B))
Truth Table for Full Adder
A B Cin Sum (S) Carry (Cout)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
Why Does Direct Memory Access (DMA) Have Priority Over the CPU?

Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a feature that allows certain hardware subsystems to access the system memory (RAM) directly, without continuous involvement of the Central Processing Unit (CPU). This is especially useful for data-intensive operations such as transferring large blocks of data between memory and I/O devices.

Reasons DMA Has Priority Over the CPU:

  • Efficiency: Without DMA, the CPU has to transfer data in a byte-by-byte or word-by-word fashion, leading to inefficiencies in performance.
  • Speed: DMA controllers are designed for high-speed data transfers, allowing the CPU to continue executing other processes.
  • Minimal CPU Intervention: The CPU is freed from managing data transfers, allowing it to focus on other tasks.
  • Real-time Constraints: DMA ensures time-sensitive operations are handled swiftly, meeting real-time deadlines.
  • Cycle Stealing: DMA can take control of the system bus for a few cycles, minimizing delay for the CPU while ensuring that I/O transfers are executed as needed.
3) Distinguish between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching with Appropriate Examples in Detail
Feature Circuit Switching Packet Switching
Path Dedicated path for the entire session No dedicated path, packets take independent routes
Connection Type Connection-oriented (requires setup) Connectionless (no setup required)
Bandwidth Usage Fixed, reserved for the entire session Dynamic, shared among multiple users
Transmission Mode Continuous, real-time transmission Intermittent, sent packet-by-packet
Data Flow Continuous, without interruption Data sent in discrete packets
Ideal For Voice calls, video conferencing (real-time data) Data communication (emails, web browsing)
Efficiency Less efficient (resources reserved even when idle) More efficient (resources shared as needed)
Setup Time Requires setup time before communication starts No setup required, faster initial transmission
Reliability Highly reliable, no packet loss May experience packet delays or loss, requires retransmission
Fault Tolerance Low; failure in the path disrupts the entire session High; packets can be rerouted if a path fails
Bandwidth Guarantee Yes, bandwidth is guaranteed once the connection is established No, bandwidth varies based on network conditions
Example Traditional telephone system (PSTN) Internet (TCP/IP) or email transmission
4. Name the four basic network topologies and explain them giving all the relevant features. Also, define Switch, Hub, and Router. Why Router is best than other network devices?
Four Basic Network Topologies

Network topology refers to the arrangement of various devices in a network. The four basic types of network topologies are Bus, Ring, Star, and Mesh topologies.

1. Bus Topology
  • Description: In Bus topology, all devices (nodes) are connected to a single central cable, called the bus or backbone.
  • Features:
    • Data sent by one device is broadcast to all devices along the bus.
    • Terminators are used at both ends of the bus to prevent signal reflection.
  • Advantages: Simple to set up, requires less cable than other topologies, and is cost-effective.
  • Disadvantages: Performance degrades as the number of devices increases, difficult to troubleshoot, and a failure in the central cable can bring down the entire network.
  • Example: Early Ethernet networks.
2. Ring Topology
  • Description: In Ring topology, each device is connected to exactly two other devices, forming a circular path for the flow of data.
  • Features:
    • Data travels in one direction (unidirectional) or both directions (bidirectional) in a circular manner.
    • Each device has exactly two neighbors.
  • Advantages: Data transmission is more orderly; each node has equal access to the network.
  • Disadvantages: Failure of a single node or cable can disrupt the entire network, and adding or removing devices affects the network performance.
  • Example: Token Ring networks.
3. Star Topology
  • Description: In Star topology, all devices are connected to a central device, typically a hub or switch.
  • Features:
    • The central device manages data transmission between devices.
  • Advantages: Easy to set up and manage, failure of one node does not affect the rest of the network, and it's easy to add new devices.
  • Disadvantages: If the central device fails, the entire network is disrupted.
  • Example: Modern Ethernet networks using switches.
4. Mesh Topology
  • Description: In Mesh topology, each device is connected to every other device in the network.
  • Features:
    • Full Mesh: Every device is connected to every other device.
    • Partial Mesh: Only some devices are interconnected.
  • Advantages: Highly reliable and fault-tolerant because multiple paths exist for data to travel.
  • Disadvantages: Requires a large number of cables and is expensive to implement and maintain.
  • Example: Wireless networks (Wi-Fi networks can sometimes use mesh topology).
Network Devices: Switch, Hub, and Router 1. Switch

A switch is a network device that connects multiple devices (like computers, printers) within a local area network (LAN) and intelligently forwards data to the specific device it is intended for. It operates at the data link layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model and uses MAC addresses to forward data to the correct destination. Switches help reduce network traffic and improve security because they do not broadcast data to all devices like a hub does.

2. Hub

A hub is a simple network device that connects multiple devices in a LAN and broadcasts the data it receives to all connected devices, regardless of the intended destination. It operates at the physical layer (Layer 1) of the OSI model and does not filter or direct data; it sends it to every device in the network, leading to more collisions and inefficiency.

3. Router

A router is a device that routes data between different networks. It connects multiple LANs, directing traffic between them and even between wide area networks (WANs) like the internet. Routers operate at the network layer (Layer 3) of the OSI model and use IP addresses to determine the best path for forwarding data to its destination, managing traffic between different networks.

Why a Router is Better than Other Network Devices
  • Network Layer Operation: Routers work at the network layer and use IP addresses, enabling them to connect different networks and route data between them, making them more versatile than switches or hubs.
  • Intelligent Routing: Unlike hubs and switches that operate within a single network, routers can intelligently direct data across multiple networks (like the internet). They use algorithms to find the most efficient path for data to travel.
  • Traffic Management: Routers can prioritize traffic, manage bandwidth, and reduce network congestion by directing packets efficiently. They prevent traffic overload on a single network.
  • Network Address Translation (NAT): Routers provide NAT, which allows multiple devices on a private network to share a single public IP address when accessing the internet, increasing security and conserving IP addresses.
  • Security Features: Many routers come with built-in firewalls, protecting the network from external threats. Hubs and switches lack these features.
  • Wireless Connectivity: Modern routers often include wireless capabilities, enabling Wi-Fi connections, while switches and hubs are generally wired.

Switch: Operates within a LAN, forwarding data to specific devices using MAC addresses.

Hub: A basic device that broadcasts data to all devices on the network, leading to inefficiencies.

Router: Routes data between different networks, uses IP addresses, and provides the most intelligent, efficient, and secure way to manage network traffic.

Routers are superior because they allow for communication between different networks, offer advanced traffic management and security features, and provide better control over how data is transmitted in a large, complex network.

5. What is scheduling? What criteria affects the schedule performance? What are the different principles which must be considered while selection of a scheduling algorithm? (10 Marks)

Scheduling is the process of determining which tasks, processes, or threads should be executed by the CPU (or other system resources) and in what order. In operating systems, scheduling ensures that the CPU and other resources are allocated efficiently to maximize system performance. The main objective is to ensure that all processes get the resources they need, while minimizing delays and maximizing throughput.

Criteria that Affect Scheduling Performance
  • CPU Utilization: The percentage of time the CPU is actively processing tasks. The goal is to maximize CPU utilization by keeping it as busy as possible.
  • Throughput: The number of processes completed per unit time. A higher throughput means more processes are being executed within a given time period.
  • Turnaround Time: The total time taken for a process to complete, from submission to completion. Shorter turnaround times are preferred.
  • Waiting Time: The amount of time a process spends waiting in the ready queue before it gets executed by the CPU. Lower waiting time leads to better system responsiveness.
  • Response Time: The time taken from submitting a process until the system produces the first response. This is important in interactive systems where users expect immediate feedback.
  • Fairness: Ensures that all processes get a fair share of CPU time, preventing starvation of any particular process.
  • Deadlines: For real-time systems, processes may have deadlines that must be met. The scheduler should prioritize tasks based on their deadlines.
  • Context Switching Overhead: The time spent switching between processes. Frequent context switching can degrade performance, so scheduling algorithms aim to minimize this overhead.
Principles to Consider While Selecting a Scheduling Algorithm
  • Preemptive vs Non-Preemptive Scheduling: Preemptive scheduling allows a process to be interrupted, while non-preemptive scheduling does not.
  • Process Prioritization: Some scheduling algorithms assign priority levels to processes, ensuring high-priority processes are handled before lower-priority ones.
  • CPU-Bound vs I/O-Bound Processes: A good scheduler distinguishes between CPU-bound and I/O-bound processes for better CPU utilization.
  • Predictability: The behavior of the scheduling algorithm should be predictable, especially in real-time systems.
  • Minimizing Context Switching: The algorithm should aim to reduce context switches to improve performance.
  • Handling Starvation and Aging: Aging is used to gradually increase the priority of waiting processes to avoid starvation.
  • Scalability: The scheduling algorithm must perform well as the number of processes increases.
  • Real-Time Constraints: The scheduler must ensure that tasks meet their deadlines in real-time systems.
Common Scheduling Algorithms
  • First-Come, First-Served (FCFS): Non-preemptive. The first process that arrives is the first to be executed.
  • Shortest Job First (SJF): Non-preemptive. The process with the shortest burst time is executed first.
  • Round Robin (RR): Preemptive. Each process is assigned a time quantum, and the CPU switches between processes after the quantum expires.
  • Priority Scheduling: Processes are assigned priorities, with the highest-priority process executed first.
  • Multilevel Queue Scheduling: Different queues are maintained for processes with different priority levels or characteristics.
  • Multilevel Feedback Queue: Similar to multilevel queue scheduling, but processes can move between queues based on their behavior.

Selecting a scheduling algorithm involves balancing various factors, including CPU utilization, throughput, response time, and fairness. The ideal algorithm depends on the system’s specific needs, whether it's a real-time system, a batch processing system, or a time-sharing system. Preemptive algorithms ensure fairness and responsiveness, while non-preemptive algorithms are simpler but can lead to inefficiencies.

6. Differences Between 32-bit and 64-bit Architectures and Between FAT and NTFS File Systems (10 Marks)
Differences Between 32-bit and 64-bit Architectures
Feature 32-bit Architecture 64-bit Architecture
Data Handling Handles 32 bits of data at a time (4 bytes). Handles 64 bits of data at a time (8 bytes).
Memory Access Can address up to 4 GB of RAM. Can theoretically address up to 18.4 million TB of RAM (practical limits are lower).
Performance Limited to handling smaller data chunks per cycle. Can handle larger data chunks per cycle, leading to faster performance.
Operating System Can run only 32-bit operating systems. Can run both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
Software Compatibility Runs only 32-bit software. Can run both 32-bit and 64-bit software.
Application Performance 32-bit applications may be slower for memory-intensive tasks. 64-bit applications can take advantage of more memory and improved performance.
Security Limited advanced security features. Offers enhanced security features like hardware DEP and ASLR.
Registers and Processing Has 32-bit wide registers. Has 64-bit wide registers, allowing larger values.
Differences Between FAT and NTFS File Systems
Feature FAT (FAT16/FAT32) NTFS (New Technology File System)
Maximum File Size 4 GB (for FAT32) Up to 16 EB (Exabytes)
Partition Size Limited to 2 TB (FAT32) Can support partitions up to 16 EB
Security No built-in security features. Provides file-level security with encryption, permissions, and auditing.
File Compression No support for file compression. Supports file and folder compression.
File Recovery Basic file recovery options, easily corrupted. Better file recovery mechanisms and resiliency through journaling.
Performance Slower with larger drives and fragmented files. Performs better on larger volumes.
Disk Quotas No disk quota management. Supports disk quotas for user/group control.
Fault Tolerance Limited fault tolerance. Provides fault tolerance through logging and transaction tracking.
Compatibility Universally compatible with most operating systems. Native to Windows systems; limited compatibility with non-Windows systems.
7. What are the objectives of normalization in a database? What is functional dependency? Describe the types and properties of functional dependencies. (10 Marks)
Objectives of Normalization

Normalization is a database design process aimed at organizing data to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. The objectives of normalization include:

  • Eliminate Redundancy: Remove duplicate data to reduce the risk of inconsistencies, save storage space, and improve performance.
  • Ensure Data Integrity: Maintain the accuracy and consistency of data by enforcing relationships and constraints between tables.
  • Improve Query Performance: By structuring data in related tables, complex queries can be simplified and made more efficient.
  • Maintain Flexibility: Normalized databases are more flexible when it comes to modifying the structure, adding or deleting fields, and managing data changes.
  • Avoid Anomalies: Minimize update, insertion, and deletion anomalies that could lead to inconsistent data.
    • Insertion Anomaly: Issues where certain data cannot be inserted into the database without the presence of other data.
    • Update Anomaly: Problems that arise when data changes in one place but are not reflected in other instances.
    • Deletion Anomaly: When deleting a piece of data unintentionally leads to the loss of other related data.
Functional Dependency

Functional Dependency (FD) is a relationship between two attributes in a database, where one attribute's value uniquely determines the value of another attribute. For example, if the attribute A determines attribute B, we say that B is functionally dependent on A. This is denoted as:

A → B

This means that if two rows in a relation have the same value for A, they must also have the same value for B. Functional dependencies are fundamental in the normalization process and help to identify relationships between attributes.

Types of Functional Dependencies
  • Trivial Functional Dependency:

    A functional dependency is trivial if a set of attributes functionally determines itself or its subset. For example: {A, B} → A or A → A.

  • Non-Trivial Functional Dependency:

    A functional dependency is non-trivial if an attribute is functionally dependent on another attribute, and they are not subsets of one another. Example: A → B and B is not a subset of A.

  • Partial Functional Dependency:

    In a composite key (a key made up of multiple attributes), a functional dependency is partial if one of the attributes of the composite key determines another attribute. For example: A → C in composite key {A, B}.

  • Full Functional Dependency:

    A functional dependency is full if an attribute depends on the entire composite key, not just a part of it. For example: {A, B} → C, and neither A → C nor B → C holds individually.

  • Transitive Functional Dependency:

    A transitive dependency occurs when one attribute depends on another through a third attribute. If A → B and B → C, then A → C is a transitive dependency.

  • Multivalued Dependency (MVD):

    A multivalued dependency occurs when one attribute determines multiple values of another attribute, independent of other attributes. For example: A →→ B.

Properties of Functional Dependencies
  • Reflexivity: If Y is a subset of X, then X → Y holds.
  • Augmentation: If X → Y, then XZ → YZ also holds (where Z is any set of attributes).
  • Transitivity: If X → Y and Y → Z, then X → Z holds.
  • Union: If X → Y and X → Z, then X → {Y, Z} holds.
  • Decomposition: If X → {Y, Z}, then X → Y and X → Z hold.
  • Pseudotransitivity: If X → Y and WY → Z, then WX → Z holds.

Normalization aims to reduce redundancy, improve data integrity, and eliminate anomalies in databases. Functional Dependency describes the relationship between attributes where one attribute's value determines another's. Types of FDs include trivial, non-trivial, partial, full, transitive, and multivalued dependencies, and properties include reflexivity, augmentation, transitivity, union, decomposition, and pseudotransitivity.

8. Compare OLTP and OLAP systems. Explain the steps with a suitable block diagram. (10 Marks)

OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) are two types of data processing systems used in databases, but they have different purposes, designs, and functionalities.

Feature OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
Purpose Designed for day-to-day operations like data entry and transaction processing. Designed for complex data analysis and decision-making.
Nature of Work Transaction-oriented (insert, update, delete). Analysis-oriented (read-heavy, querying, data mining).
Data Source Uses operational databases (e.g., ERP, CRM). Uses data from OLTP systems, transformed and stored in data warehouses.
Data Volume Smaller, since it deals with current data relevant to ongoing transactions. Large data volume, with historical and aggregated data for analysis.
Data Integrity High due to frequent updates and transaction control mechanisms like ACID. Lower focus on real-time data integrity; primarily used for reporting and analysis.
Query Type Simple and short queries, often involving single record manipulation. Complex queries, often involving large data sets and aggregations.
Processing Time Must respond quickly to transactions, typically in milliseconds to seconds. Can take longer to process large volumes of data (minutes or hours).
Database Design Highly normalized to reduce redundancy. Denormalized or partially normalized for better query performance.
Examples Point-of-Sale systems, online banking systems, e-commerce order management systems. Business intelligence tools, financial reporting, market analysis.
Users Operational staff who handle day-to-day transactions. Business analysts, decision-makers, data scientists.
Concurrency Supports thousands of users simultaneously. Supports fewer users compared to OLTP systems.
Updates Frequent updates with each transaction. Rare updates; primarily used for reading and analyzing data.
Example Queries Insert, update, or delete a record in a database. Complex SQL queries involving joins, aggregations, and historical data analysis.
Steps of OLAP Processing

OLAP systems are built upon data from OLTP systems, and the processing involves transforming raw transactional data into meaningful insights. The steps involved in OLAP processing typically follow an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process:

  1. Data Extraction:
    • Extract data from OLTP or other source systems. Data might come from multiple databases, files, or even external systems.
    • Source Data: Customer orders, sales data, or financial transactions.
  2. Data Transformation:
    • Transform the data to clean and prepare it for analysis. This includes filtering, aggregation, sorting, and resolving inconsistencies.
    • Tasks: Data cleansing, removing duplicates, and formatting data for compatibility with analytical tools.
  3. Data Loading:
    • Load the transformed data into a Data Warehouse (centralized storage for analysis).
    • The data is often organized in a multidimensional model (like star schema or snowflake schema) to facilitate faster querying.
  4. OLAP Cube Construction:
    • Create OLAP Cubes, which are multidimensional structures that allow efficient querying. These cubes support operations like slicing, dicing, drilling down, and rolling up for quick analysis.
  5. Data Analysis:
    • Use OLAP tools to query and analyze the data from different perspectives (e.g., time, geography, product category). The data is queried in real-time, supporting reporting, data visualization, and ad-hoc analysis.
  6. Reporting:
    • Generate reports and dashboards that provide insights into business performance, trends, and forecasts based on the analyzed data.
History of IT Policies in Nepal

The history of IT policies in Nepal can be traced back to the early 2000s when the government began recognizing the significance of information technology in national development. Key milestones include:

  • First IT Policy (2000): The Government of Nepal formulated its first IT policy in 2000, which aimed to promote the use of IT in various sectors. This policy focused on establishing a regulatory framework, enhancing infrastructure, and improving the IT education system.
  • National Information and Communication Technology Policy (2004): This policy was established to create a comprehensive framework for ICT development in Nepal. It aimed to enhance the national capacity in IT, promote public-private partnerships, and encourage investment in the ICT sector.
  • ICT Policy 2010: This policy emphasized the need for broadening the scope of ICT services, enhancing the digital divide, and focusing on rural development through IT. It included plans for e-governance, digital literacy, and establishing a National Data Center.
  • ICT Policy 2072 (2015): The latest comprehensive ICT policy aimed at leveraging technology for national development. It introduced significant reforms and aligned with the government’s broader development goals.
Important Features of ICT Policy 2072
  • E-Governance: The policy emphasizes the implementation of e-governance initiatives to improve public service delivery and enhance government transparency.
  • Digital Literacy: It aims to enhance digital literacy among citizens to ensure broader access to ICT resources and services.
  • Infrastructure Development: The policy focuses on the development of necessary ICT infrastructure, including broadband connectivity, data centers, and mobile networks.
  • Investment Promotion: It encourages private sector investment in the ICT sector to foster innovation and create job opportunities.
  • Research and Development: The policy promotes R&D in the ICT sector to enhance local technological capabilities and reduce dependency on foreign technologies.
  • Cyber Security: A dedicated focus on developing a robust cybersecurity framework to protect data and ensure the safety of online transactions.
  • Inclusivity: The policy emphasizes ensuring equitable access to ICT services, particularly in rural and underdeveloped areas.
  • Collaboration: It encourages collaboration between government, private sector, and academic institutions for the development and implementation of ICT projects.
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Current ICT Policy

To analyze the effectiveness of the current ICT policy in Nepal, several factors should be considered:

  • Implementation Status: Assess the extent to which the initiatives outlined in the policy have been implemented, including government projects and private sector involvement.
  • Infrastructure Development: Analyze improvements in ICT infrastructure, such as internet penetration rates and mobile network coverage.
  • Digital Literacy: Measure the increase in digital literacy among the population through surveys and studies.
  • Public Service Delivery: Evaluate the effectiveness of e-governance initiatives in improving public service delivery.
  • Investment Trends: Analyze trends in investment within the ICT sector, indicating the policy's relevance in fostering growth.
  • Cybersecurity Incidents: Monitor the frequency and severity of cybersecurity incidents to determine the effectiveness of the policy's cybersecurity measures.
  • Stakeholder Feedback: Collect feedback from key stakeholders for insights into the policy's effectiveness and areas for improvement.
  • International Standards and Comparisons: Compare Nepal's ICT policy with those of other countries to identify gaps and best practices.
10) Why is it essential to have separate IT Policies for organizations, considering the National IT Policy? Critically analyze the current NRB IT Guidelines. (10 Marks)
Importance of Separate IT Policies for Organizations

It is essential for banks to have their own separate IT policies, in addition to following the national IT policy, for several key reasons:

  • Customization to the Organization: The guidelines require banks to have a "board approved IT related strategy and policy" (Section 1.1). This allows each bank to tailor its IT policies to its specific business needs, risk profile, and technological environment.
  • Regular Review and Updates: The guidelines state that "IT policy should be reviewed at least annually" (Section 1.1). Having an organization-specific policy allows for more frequent and targeted updates than would be possible with just a national policy.
  • Operational Details: The guidelines call for "detailed operational procedures and guidelines to manage all IT operations" (Section 1.1). This level of operational specificity needs to be defined at the organizational level.
  • Risk Management: Banks are required to consider "IT related risk...in the risk management policy or operational risk policy of the bank" (Section 1.5). This risk assessment and management need to be specific to each bank's unique situation.
  • Information Security: The guidelines mandate a "board approved Information Security Policy" for each bank (Section 2.1). This needs to be tailored to each bank's specific systems, data, and threats.
  • Business Continuity: Banks must have a "board approved BCP Policy" with detailed procedures for their specific critical functions and systems (Section 8.1).
Critical Analysis of Current NRB IT Guidelines


  • Comprehensive Coverage: The guidelines cover a wide range of IT governance and security aspects, from high-level strategy to operational details.
  • Focus on Risk Management: There is a strong emphasis on identifying, assessing, and mitigating IT-related risks throughout the document.
  • Security Emphasis: Information security is given significant attention, with detailed requirements for policies, controls, and practices.
  • Alignment with International Standards: The guidelines encourage banks to implement international IT control frameworks like COBIT (Section 1.6).
  • Business Continuity Focus: There are detailed requirements for business continuity and disaster recovery planning.

Weaknesses/Areas for Improvement:

  • Lack of Specificity in Some Areas: Some sections provide general guidance without specific technical requirements, which could lead to inconsistent implementation across banks.
  • Limited Guidance on Emerging Technologies: While the document mentions some newer technologies (e.g., virtualization, cloud computing), it could provide more detailed guidance on securely adopting and managing these technologies.
  • Compliance Timeline: The two-year compliance timeline (mentioned in Section 2) may be challenging for some banks, especially smaller institutions with limited resources.
  • Limited Focus on Innovation: While the guidelines cover security and risk management well, there is less emphasis on how banks can leverage IT for innovation and competitive advantage.
  • Audit Frequency: The requirement for annual IS audits (Section 9) may not be sufficient for rapidly evolving IT environments and threat landscapes.

In conclusion, while the NRB IT Guidelines provide a solid foundation for IT governance and security in Nepalese banks, they could be enhanced with more specific technical requirements, guidance on emerging technologies, and a greater focus on innovation alongside risk management.


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