नेपाल आयल निगम लिमिटेड प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा २०७५/०१/०५ Subjective + Objective Solution [NOC old questions & Solution ]

Anil Pandit

लोक सेवा आयोग

नेपाल आयल निगम लिमिटेड, प्राविधिक, विविध, पाँचौ, वरिष्ठ सहायक (कम्प्युटर) पदको
प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा


Key [B]

समय: २ घण्टा ३० मिनेट

पूर्णांक: १००

विषय : कम्प्युटर सम्बन्धी

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do you link a comment to a cell in Excel sheet?

A) Select the cell and go to REVIEW => New Comment

B) Right-click the cell and click New Comment

C) Both A and B

D) None of the above

2. The shortcut key to produce a new sheet of 2D chart for the selected data is

A) Alt + F1

B) F11

C) Both A and B

D) None of the above

3. To print a selected area of a worksheet

A) Press Ctrl + P and then click selection under print What and click OK

B) Press Ctrl + P and click OK

C) Press Ctrl + P and then click Active Sheet(s) under Print What and click OK

D) Click Print Area under Page Layout tab and then click set print area

4. How can you add a comment into a cell?

A) Right-click the mouse and select Insert Comment

B) Insert => Comments

C) Review => New Comment

D) Both A and C

5. What are the basic building blocks of a database?

A) Tables

B) Queries

C) Forms

D) Reports

6. Which one of the following is used to define the structure of the relation, deleting relations and relating schemas?

A) Data Manipulation Language

B) Data Definition Language

C) Query

D) Relational Schema

7. The feature of DBMS which checks and permits only possible values for given type of data to make sure that it is acceptable is called

A) Data Verification

B) Data Filtration

C) Data Auditing

D) Data Validation

8. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?

A) Rows

B) Fields

C) Cells

D) Records

9. Which of the following is not DBMS software?

A) PostgreSQL

B) SyBase

C) Informix

D) Database 2016

24. The human readable version of a program is called

A) Cache

B) Instruction Set

C) Source Code

D) Word Size

25. Which of the following is not a malware?

A) Ransomware

B) Worms

C) Viruses

D) None of the above

26. In network communication, which medium has the highest data transmission speed?

A) Optical Fiber

B) Satellite

C) Coaxial Cable

D) Microwave Link

27. A network device which converts digital signal into analog signal and vice versa is called

A) Modem

B) Gateway

C) Router

D) Switch

28. Which of the following expansion cards allows a computer to connect to a network?

A) Modem

B) Network Adaptor

C) Wi-Fi

D) Video Card

29. Which command is used to display more information about the network setup on your system including MAC address?

A) ipconfig/all

B) ping

C) arp

D) nslookup

30. The main function of Operating System (OS) is

A) Manage computer's resources

B) Establish user interface

C) Execute and provide services for application software

D) All of the above

31. Wild card operators

A) Can be used when writing into multiple files

B) Allow several files to be read simultaneously

C) Provide an easy way of groups of related files

D) Are only used when printing the contents of a file

32. The VOL command is used to

A) Set volume of the speaker

B) Set the disk volume label

C) See the disk volume label

D) See the volume of largest

33. The component of Windows OS which provides the facility to add or remove hardware and software, control user accounts and access of network settings is called


B) Device Manager

C) Control Panels

D) System Tools

34. Log-in Credentials which are used only by Windows OS and its services are called

A) Certificate-Based Credentials

B) Windows Credentials

C) Generic Credentials

D) Web Credentials

35. Which of the following features is used to create a newspaper-like document?

A) Tables

B) Bullets and Numbering

C) Columns

D) WordArt

36. In MS-Word, how can you put any picture or image on the document?

A) Copy the image and paste on the document

B) INSERT => Pictures

C) Both A and B

D) None of the above

37. In Word, the mailing list is known as the

A) Data Sheet

B) Source

C) Data Source

D) Sheet

38. Switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the

A) Header and footer toolbar

B) Print layout view

C) Page setup dialog box

D) None of the above

39. How footnotes, endnotes, and indexes are inserted in a document?

A) As bookmarks

B) As cross-references

C) As hyperlinks

D) As word fields

40. Where can you find the Draw Table tool button?

A) Formatting toolbar

B) Drawing toolbar

C) Standard toolbar

D) Tables and formatting toolbar

41. What are Macros in MS Word?

A) Small programs created in MS Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA

B) Small add-on programs that are installed afterwards if you need them

C) Programming language that you can use to customize MS Word

D) Large tools in Word such as mail merge

42. How can you create newspaper-style documents by making more than one column?

A) INSERT => Columns

B) DESIGN => Columns

C) PAGE LAYOUT => Columns

D) REFERENCES => Columns

43. To create a new section in Word document that follows the previous page

A) Click Next Page Section Break under Insert Tab

B) Click Page Break under Insert Tab

C) Click Next Page Section Break under Page Layout Tab

D) Click Page Break under Page Layout Tab

44. Which of the following can be used as watermark in a Word document?

A) Text

B) Image

C) Audio

D) Both A and B

45. What happens when dollar signs ($) are entered in a cell address? (e.g., $B$2:$B$10)

A) An absolute cell address is created

B) Cell address will change when it is copied to another cell

C) The sheet tab is changed

D) The status bar does not display the cell address

46. A series of references where the last object references the first, resulting in a closed loop in MS Excel

A) Loop Reference

B) Hoop Reference

C) Ring Reference

D) Circular Reference

47. In MS Excel, shortcut fill down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below is

A) Ctrl + R

B) Ctrl + L

C) Ctrl + F

D) Ctrl + D

48. Chart in worksheet itself is known as

A) Embedded Chart

B) Implied Chart

C) Inserted Chart

D) Overlapping Chart

49. Which function can be used to calculate the monthly mortgage payment?





50. Which function do you use to return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor?



C) MOD()

D) DIV()

Section 'B': Subjective

1. 1. What are the different types of topology used for Networking? Explain in detail with major characteristics. 10

Topology in Networking:

In networking, topology refers to the arrangement or layout of various elements (links, nodes, devices) in a computer network. Different types of topologies are used depending on the requirements of the network, such as scalability, performance, and cost.

1. Bus Topology

In a bus topology, all devices (nodes) are connected to a single central cable, known as the backbone or bus. Data sent by any device is transmitted along the backbone, and all devices on the network receive the data. However, only the intended recipient processes it, while the others ignore it.

  • Characteristics:
  • Simple and easy to install.
  • Less expensive since it requires fewer cables.
  • If the backbone cable fails, the entire network goes down.
  • Collision of data is possible if multiple devices send data simultaneously.
  • Not suitable for large networks due to scalability issues.

2. Star Topology

In a star topology, each device in the network is connected to a central hub or switch. The central device controls the network and manages communication between all devices.

  • Characteristics:
  • Easy to install and manage.
  • If one device fails, it does not affect the rest of the network.
  • The central hub/switch can be a single point of failure – if it fails, the entire network fails.
  • Easy to detect faults and troubleshoot.
  • More expensive than bus topology due to the cost of the hub and more cabling.

3. Ring Topology

In a ring topology, each device is connected to exactly two other devices, forming a closed loop or ring. Data travels in one direction (or sometimes both directions in a dual ring), passing through each device until it reaches its destination.

  • Characteristics:
  • Data transmission is unidirectional or bidirectional, depending on the type of ring.
  • Easier to manage and identify faults since each device is responsible for forwarding the data.
  • Failure of a single device or link can disrupt the entire network unless a dual ring or redundancy is in place.
  • Performance is generally better than bus topology for larger networks.

4. Mesh Topology

In a mesh topology, every device is connected to every other device in the network. This creates multiple paths for data to travel between devices.

  • Characteristics:
  • Highly reliable since there are multiple paths for data, and if one link fails, another can take its place.
  • Offers high fault tolerance.
  • Difficult and expensive to implement due to the large number of cables and connections required.
  • Best suited for networks where reliability and redundancy are critical.

5. Tree Topology

A tree topology is a combination of star and bus topologies. It consists of groups of star-configured networks connected to a linear bus backbone.

  • Characteristics:
  • Hierarchical structure, which is easy to expand and manage.
  • Useful in large networks where scalability is required.
  • If the backbone fails, the entire network can go down.
  • Centralized control with distributed resources.

6. Hybrid Topology

A hybrid topology is a combination of two or more different types of topologies (such as star-bus, star-ring, or mesh-bus) in the same network.

  • Characteristics:
  • Flexible and scalable.
  • It inherits the advantages and disadvantages of the topologies it combines.
  • Used in large organizations or networks with complex requirements.

Major Characteristics of Network Topologies

Topology Scalability Reliability Cost Complexity Failure Impact
Bus Low Low Low Simple High (if the backbone fails)
Star Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate High (if the hub fails)
Ring Low Moderate Medium Moderate High (single point failure)
Mesh High Very High High Complex Low
Tree High Moderate Medium Moderate High (if the backbone fails)
Hybrid Very High Variable High High Variable

2 What is an Operating System (OS)?

An Operating System (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between users and the computer hardware. Examples include Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. Key functions include managing files, processes, memory, and devices, ensuring smooth execution of programs, and facilitating user interaction with the system.

Disk Operating System (DOS)

DOS (Disk Operating System) is a simple, command-line-based operating system widely used in the early days of personal computers. It provides an environment where users interact with the system using text commands to manage files and perform tasks. Microsoft developed MS-DOS, which was the most popular version.

Internal and External Commands in DOS

DOS commands are categorized into internal and external commands based on how they are stored and executed.

Internal Commands

  • These commands are built into the COMMAND.COM file (the command processor) and are loaded into memory when the system boots. They are always available as long as the computer is running.


  • DIR: Displays the contents of a directory.
    C:\> DIR
    It shows a list of files and directories in the current directory.
  • COPY: Copies files from one location to another.
    C:\> COPY file1.txt D:\Backup\
    Copies file1.txt to the D:\Backup directory.
  • DEL: Deletes a file.
    C:\> DEL file1.txt
    Deletes the file1.txt file from the current directory.
  • CD: Changes the current directory.
    C:\> CD Documents
    Changes to the Documents directory.

External Commands

  • External commands are stored in separate files on disk, usually as .COM, .EXE, or .BAT files. These commands are loaded into memory from the disk when needed.


  • FORMAT: Formats a disk to prepare it for data storage.
    C:\> FORMAT A:
    Formats the A: (floppy) drive.
  • DISKCOPY: Copies the entire contents of one floppy disk to another.
    C:\> DISKCOPY A: B:
    Copies the contents of the disk in drive A: to the disk in drive B:.
  • CHKDSK: Checks the disk for errors and displays a status report.
    C:\> CHKDSK C:
    Checks the C: drive for any errors or issues.
  • XCOPY: Copies files and directories, including subdirectories.
    C:\> XCOPY C:\Documents D:\Backup /S
    Copies the Documents folder and its subdirectories from C: to D:.


DOS is an early operating system that relies on command-line interaction. Understanding its internal and external commands is crucial for performing various tasks such as file management, disk operations, and system checks.

3 A) What is a Pivot Table and Benefits of Using a Pivot Table in Excel?

A pivot table is a powerful data summarization tool in Excel that allows users to automatically sort, group, and organize large sets of data into a more understandable format. It transforms raw data into meaningful reports by summarizing and analyzing it. The table can pivot data by changing the rows, columns, or filters, offering dynamic insights into the dataset.

Benefits of Using a Pivot Table in Excel:

  • Data Summarization: Pivot tables can quickly summarize data, allowing users to calculate totals, averages, counts, or other statistical metrics. This makes it easier to derive meaningful insights from large datasets.
  • Data Filtering and Grouping: Pivot tables enable you to group data into categories (such as dates or regions) and filter out unnecessary information. This provides flexibility in focusing on specific segments of the data.
  • Dynamic Analysis: With pivot tables, you can easily drag and drop different data fields to reorganize how the data is displayed. This allows for fast, dynamic analysis without needing to create new formulas or alter the original data.
  • Data Comparison: Pivot tables allow users to compare different data sets or categories (e.g., sales by region or month). This helps in identifying trends and patterns effectively.
  • Time-Saving: Pivot tables automate much of the data analysis process, reducing the manual effort needed to create reports or perform calculations. This efficiency is especially beneficial when working with large data sets.

3 B) Advantage of Using Mail Merge in Word Processor

Mail Merge is a powerful feature in word processors (like MS Word) that allows users to create personalized documents in bulk, such as letters, labels, or envelopes, by combining a standard document template with a data source (e.g., a list of names and addresses). The main advantage is its ability to automate the creation of personalized documents, saving time and effort when dealing with repetitive tasks.

Advantages of Using Mail Merge:

  • Time-Saving: Mail Merge automates the process of creating multiple documents with personalized information. Instead of manually editing each document, users can generate hundreds or thousands of documents in minutes.
  • Minimizes Errors: Since the data is merged from a pre-existing data source (like an Excel sheet or database), there is less chance of human error compared to manually typing each recipient’s details.
  • Consistency and Professionalism: The base document or template remains consistent for all recipients, ensuring a uniform and professional appearance. Each document is personalized without altering the main formatting or layout.
  • Flexibility: Mail Merge can be used to create letters, labels, envelopes, and emails. It’s adaptable to a wide range of documents and personalization needs, from simple letters to complex reports.
  • Ease of Use: Once set up, the process is straightforward. Users only need to update the data source if needed and run the merge, making it easy to generate new sets of documents whenever required.

Example of Mail Merge:

Imagine you're sending an invitation letter to 100 customers for an event. Using Mail Merge, you can create a single template letter, and then merge it with a list of customers' names and addresses from an Excel sheet.

1. Template Letter (in Word):

Dear [Customer Name],

We are pleased to invite you to our annual event on [Event Date] at [Event Location].

[Company Name]

2. Data Source (Excel Sheet):

Customer Name	Event Date	Event Location
John Doe	10th Oct	City Hall
Jane Smith	10th Oct	City Hall
Mark Johnson	10th Oct	City Hall

3. Mail Merge Process:

  • Word will merge the data (names, event date, and location) into the template, creating personalized letters like:
Dear John Doe,

We are pleased to invite you to our annual event on 10th Oct at City Hall.

ABC Company

4. What do you mean by DBMS? Explain its advantages. How can you create a table in MS Access?

DBMS (Database Management System):

A Database Management System (DBMS) is software that allows users to create, manage, and manipulate databases. It provides an interface for users to store, retrieve, update, and manage data efficiently. Common examples of DBMS include MS Access, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. DBMS ensures that data is organized, easily accessible, and secure.

Advantages of DBMS:

  • Data Organization and Management: DBMS provides a systematic way of storing data in structured tables, making data management and retrieval easy and efficient.
  • Data Integrity and Security: DBMS enforces data integrity constraints to maintain accuracy and ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive information.
  • Reduced Data Redundancy: By organizing data centrally, DBMS minimizes duplication of data, ensuring consistent data throughout the system.
  • Improved Data Sharing: Multiple users can access and work on the same data simultaneously, facilitating collaboration in larger organizations.
  • Backup and Recovery: DBMS supports automatic data backup and provides recovery mechanisms to prevent data loss in case of system failures.

Creating a Table in MS Access:

To create a table in MS Access, follow these steps:

  1. Open MS Access: Start MS Access and create a new blank database or open an existing one.
  2. Create a New Table:
    • In the "Tables" section, click on "Table Design" from the Create tab.
    • This opens the design view where you can define the structure of your table.
  3. Define the Fields:
    • In the first column (Field Name), type the name of the field (e.g., ID, FirstName, LastName, Email).
    • In the second column (Data Type), select the appropriate data type for each field (e.g., AutoNumber, Text, Number, Date/Time).
    • Optionally, add a Description to explain what each field stores.
  4. Set a Primary Key:
    • To uniquely identify each record, select the field you want as the Primary Key (e.g., ID).
    • Click the Primary Key button in the toolbar to assign it as the primary key.
  5. Save the Table:
    • After defining the fields and setting the primary key, save the table by clicking on the Save icon or pressing Ctrl+S.
    • Give the table a name (e.g., Customers).

Now your table is created, and you can begin entering data into it.

Example of Table Structure in MS Access:

Field Name Data Type Description
ID AutoNumber Unique identifier (PK)
FirstName Text Customer's first name
LastName Text Customer's last name
Email Text Customer's email address
JoinDate Date/Time Date of joining

5. Explain 10 tags of HTML including their usage in Web page design.

10 Commonly Used HTML Tags:

  1. <html>
    • Usage: The <html> tag is the root element of an HTML document.
    • Example:
          <title>My Web Page</title>
          <p>Hello, World!</p>
  2. <head>
    • Usage: The <head> tag contains meta-information about the document, such as the title, character set, linked stylesheets, and scripts.
    • Example:
        <title>Welcome Page</title>
  3. <title>
    • Usage: Specifies the title of the web page, which appears on the browser tab or in search results.
    • Example:
      <title>My First Web Page</title>
  4. <body>
    • Usage: The <body> tag encloses the content that is displayed on the web page, including text, images, links, and multimedia elements.
    • Example:
        <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
        <p>This is my first website.</p>
  5. <h1> to <h6>
    • Usage: Heading tags define headers, with <h1> being the largest and <h6> the smallest. These are used to structure content hierarchically.
    • Example:
      <h1>Main Heading</h1>
  6. <p>
    • Usage: The <p> tag defines a paragraph. It is used to group text into readable blocks of content.
    • Example:
      <p>This is a paragraph of text. It describes something on the web page.</p>
  7. <a>
    • Usage: The <a> tag creates hyperlinks, allowing users to navigate between different pages or websites.
    • Example:
      <a href="https://www.example.com">Visit Example</a>
  8. <img>
    • Usage: The <img> tag is used to embed images into a web page. It requires the src attribute, which specifies the image source.
    • Example:
      <img src="image.jpg" alt="Sample Image" width="500" height="300">
  9. <ul>, <ol>, and <li>
    • Usage: The <ul> tag creates an unordered (bulleted) list, <ol> creates an ordered (numbered) list, and <li> represents list items.
    • Example:
        <li>Item 1</li>
        <li>Item 2</li>
        <li>Item 3</li>
  10. <div>
    • Usage: The <div> tag is a block-level container for grouping and styling elements. It is often used with CSS to layout a web page.
    • Example:
      <div class="container">
        <h2>Section Title</h2>
        <p>Content goes here...</p>


These tags form the foundation of any HTML document and are essential for creating well-structured and interactive web pages. Using these tags correctly improves both the functionality and the design of websites.

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