Nepal Rastra Bank Employee Service Regulations, 2068 in English with MCQs[ 1 to 14 Chapter ]

Anil Pandit


Nepal Rastra Bank Employee Service Regulations, 2068

(Third Amendment, 2074 included)

1. What is the effective date of the First Amendment to the Nepal Rastra Bank Employee Service Regulations?

2. Which amendment is included in the Nepal Rastra Bank Employee Service Regulations of 2068?

3. What is the effective date of the Second Amendment to the Nepal Rastra Bank Employee Service Regulations?

4. When did the Third Amendment to the Nepal Rastra Bank Employee Service Regulations come into effect?

5. According to which subsection of which section of the Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058, have the regulations been enacted?

6. Who has enacted the Nepal Rastra Bank Employee Service Regulations as directed?

7. Who chairs the Position-Filling Committee?

8. What is the minimum number of members required to meet the quorum for a Position-Filling Committee meeting?

9. What percentage of vacant positions in the third grade of the officer level is filled by open competitive exams?

10. If there are no eligible candidates for positions to be filled by performance evaluation and internal competitive exams, how will those positions be filled?

11. What is the maximum age limit for female candidates applying for officer-level positions?

12. Who carries out the work of the Secretariat of the Position-Filling Committee?

13. What is the purpose of the Position-Filling Sub-committee?

14. What is the role of external experts in the Position-Filling Committee?

15. Which group has the highest reserved percentage for positions filled through open competitive exams?

16. What happens if suitable candidates are not available for reserved positions in the advertised year?

17. What is the maximum number of days of casual leave an employee is entitled to each year?

18. How many days of maternity leave are female employees entitled to during their service with the bank?

19. What must employees submit to their department/office after taking maternity or paternity leave?

20. For how long can special leave be granted to employees who do not have any remaining casual, home, or sick leave?

21. What is the consequence for an employee who is absent without approved leave?

22. Which type of leave allows employees to be paid for accumulated leave upon separation from service?

23. What is required for an employee to take extraordinary leave?

24. How many days of sick leave are employees entitled to each year?

25. What is the maximum duration for study leave granted to an employee pursuing postgraduate studies?

26. Which type of leave cannot be accumulated for use in the following year?

27. What must employees do regarding punctuality and regularity?

28. Which of the following is prohibited in the workplace according to the Discipline and Compliance section?

29. Employees must submit their asset disclosure within how many days after the end of the financial year?

30. What is one of the restrictions regarding donations, gifts, or loans for employees?

31. Which activity is explicitly prohibited for employees regarding business activities?

32. According to the Conduct and Discipline Code, employees are not allowed to engage in which of the following?

33. What must employees do if they become aware that another employee has obtained permanent residency?

34. Which of the following is a penalty for violating the Conduct and Discipline Code?

35. Employees are prohibited from wearing which of the following?

36. What must employees do if they have transacted loans with banks and financial institutions?

37. What is the maximum duration for which a subordinate employee can take leave before the department head can designate a lower-level employee to fill their position temporarily?

38. If an employee is absent for more than seven days, who must the department/office head inform to designate a lower-level employee for that position?

39. What happens to the designation of an employee filling a permanent position if they take leave for more than a month?

40. What salary and allowances does an employee filling a permanent position receive?

41. For temporary assignments, who has the authority to make assignments for departmental heads?

42. What is the daily allowance policy for employees on temporary assignments who are assigned to work in the same office?

43. What is the minimum service requirement after completing studies for an employee who has taken study leave for up to one year?

44. Which of the following employees are not allowed to apply for study leave?

45. What must be submitted by an employee who falls ill during their temporary assignment and requires leave beyond seven days?

46. What is the maximum duration for which an employee can be sent on unpaid leave to work on behalf of a national or international association?

47. What may happen to employees who violate conduct and discipline regulations for the first time?

48. Which of the following is NOT listed as a general punishment?

49. Under what circumstance can an employee's salary increment be suspended?

50. Which of the following is a special punishment that may be imposed on an employee?

51. An employee may be automatically suspended if they are arrested on charges of:

52. What is the maximum duration of suspension for an employee pending investigation?

53. What is required of an employee when a punishment order is issued?

54. If an employee is dissatisfied with a punishment, they can appeal to:

55. What is the consequence for an employee who fails to report for reinstatement within three months after an order of removal is canceled?

56. What must be included in the report submitted by the investigating officer?


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  1. Question No 24 NRB Employee Service Regulation 2068
    The answer is 12 days

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